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Maid Marian
Maid Marian is Nottingham’s most eligible bachelorette, with her strong stature, confident nature, and gentle spirit. She works as a trapper and hunter in the village. Marian and Cassandra Fletcher are often found joyfully practicing their arrow-shooting accuracy with one another.

Friar Tuck
Friar Tuck is a special kind of monk who wanders in the village delivering sermons, teaching music to children, visiting the elderly, and praying. He grins contentedly, lives simply, and humbly accepts the (many) bakery donations he is given after delivering a sermon.

Little John
Before joining Robin Hood's band Little John worked as Nottingham’s trusted leather tanner. He is a strong leader and excellent teacher. As a result, despite his absence, his shop is still bustling as his apprentice, Briceus Brown, outfits the villagers with all of their saddle, sheath, and harness needs. He receives exclusive rights to purchase animal hides from his good friend Hugh Jeego, the village butcher. Although he goes by “Little John” his physical size and empathetic heart stretch far beyond that title.

Lady Christabel
Unlike many other figures in the ranks of nobility, Lady Christabel is down to earth, curious, accepting, and cheerful. While she sometimes dresses elegantly, simple dress is more of her true style. She met Robin Hood when she was about to be forced into marriage to an old knight. He rescued her and joined his Merry Band. Since then she has become quite fond of the cheerful Alan-a-Dale. She looks forward to rescuing Robin Hood as he once rescued her.

Alan-a-Dale is a cheerful minstrel character that has a way with understanding sadness and loss, but reminding people of joy that can be found in any circumstance. He uses his stringed instrument to help people process things or bring joy and inspiration to people. Alan used to be a knight, but was driven from his land and his title was removed because a high ranking nobel caught wind of his love for Lady Christabel.

Much the Miller's Son
Much is an absolute goof ball. His frumpy clothes and never ending bad hair days (covered by his hood), quickly reveal that his style is really chill. He has a very laid back personality that is good natured, but he can still get in trouble pretty quickly with his clumsiness and mischievous side. Thankfully he is quite a good a fighter with a sword or a club, which has gotten him out of a number of pinches.

Will Scarlett
Fit, fast, faceless, fascinating, foxy. Will is a complicated character who thrives in Nottingham as a weaponsmith, keeping many swords for himself that do not turn out in perfect condition. His backstory remains a mystery to fellow villagers, but they know not to inquire. For those looking for someone to do a mischievous favor, Will is the man for the job.

Gamelus is a soft-spoken, content, and attentive man of honor and integrity. He shepherds a herd of 50 sheep that he cares for deeply, selling their horns and wool to the villagers of Nottingham and mechants that bring his wool as far as London. Even though he is only in his mid-30s, he has obtained wisdom well beyond his years. The children of Nottingham love measuring his growing beard with their favorite playing sticks.

Percival is Nottingham’s walking wikipedia. He has always had a deep love of learning, and he loves to share his new insights with his fellow villagers. You better believe Percival will stop and ponder any inquiry with you, from the prehistoric era to archery form to the intricate structure of flowers. If he weren't tied to Nottingham he would read all the books in England!

Estrelda is the village Brewess of Nottingham for both domestic and commercial use. She plays an integral part in not only brewing, but selling and serving ale. But shhhh don’t tell anyone… she actually prefers wine over beer! Don’t give away her secret!

Pantaleon has the unusual aspiration of being both a squire and a court jester. He is occasionally employed to entertain guests under the monarch, but, of course, he also entertains common folk at fairs and town markets. He always seems to bring a smile to the face of the villagers and carries with him the most ridiculous props to do so. You'll often find him pouring over the many plays that his friend Gontier has written.

Rowan Incircles
Rowan is a tall, stoic gentleman who is Nottingham’s scribe, often using his handy lantern to work long hours into the night. His trusted and tired eyes depict his long working hours of copying books, letters, manuscripts, and government records. He rests his right (write) hand in his pocket whenever he’s not working.

Cassandra Fletcher
Despite her kindly smile, Cassandra is NOT to be underestimated — in any realm. In both her arrow-making business and arrow-shooting skills, her deeply girded competitive nature shines through. You’ll find her either whittling away on her arrow creations well into the evening or refining her shooting skills alongside her pal Maid Marian.

Yfame is Nottingham’s nutty and exuberant wheat farmer. He’s got his eyes on Sibyl Wright, whose horse grazing pasture shares a boundary line with his most fruitful wheat field. He's got a little bit of temper, but has started to mellow as he's gotten to know Sibyl. With his easy presence and big smile, he is guaranteed to lighten the mood of any villager.

Fawkes Enhound
The villagers of Nottingham never know what Fawkes has up his sleeve. His clever mind was needed for war strategy when he served as a lieutenant during wartime, but he retired early when the Sheriff of Nottingham tried to recruit him. Now he uses his intelligence to come up with personalized riddles for the villagers. He was appointed by the villagers as constable to monitor law and order in the village and protect those in it.

Lance is the friendly and beloved village stray dog of Nottingham. He tends to gravitate toward Willelmus as his makeshift master since the hunter lets him tag along on his adventures. He loves to play in the streets with Leo’s frog as well as sit and listen with fascination to Colinet Good as he makes announcements to the village.

Eunice Baxter
Eunice wakes up the villagers of Nottingham every morning with the heavenly aroma of her freshly baked goods. She enjoys the cats that wander into her kitchen, and has a special appreciation for Leolina who not only eats her scraps, but the mice who sneak into her kitchen as well. Snag one of her pastries at the village hunting feast before they all run out!

Galien is the noble, hard-working village lumberjack. Although it appears that he is a rather gruff man, the villagers of Nottingham tap into his secret fascination with the simple joys of nature to get him smiling. He plays off of the silliness of his apprentice, Warin, to keep their long days of chopping wood in the forest fun and carefree.

Hugh Jeego
At 6' 4 and much of it muscle, there is a clear reason why he has won the village wrestling tournament for 4 years in a row. He seems a little intimidating at first but he is nice when you get to know him. He works as the village butcher where he uses every ounce of his muscle to restrain the massive animals. He looks forward to returning to his beautiful wife, Letitia, at the end of the work day to eat some of her amazing cooking!

Agnes Daisy
Agnus Daisy has a deep a love of cooking and one of the broadest smiles in all of Nottingham broad smile. Her tasty food and joyful spirit brings will bring a smile to anyone except maybe Tib Fortat. White and yellow are her go-to colors, and if you bring her a daisy you are sure to brighten her day!

Hyldeiard works in animal control service, responding to requests for help with stray animals and animals in distress in the village. Due to her heart for the cute furry creatures, she ends up keeping a lot of them for herself as pets. Hyldeiard also seems to be up to date on the village gossip, so look for her in the woods with her ferret if you want to get in the know!

Joan is an expert knitter, stealth queen, and has a quizzical and amusing way about her. She supplies the majority of the clothing section of Myles Tugo's general store with her handiwork. She’s a tough negotiator, deep thinker, and lover of Eunice Baker’s fresh gingerbread.

Maude Lindsey
Maude Lindsey is the sweet and cunning Limner and Writer of Nottingham. She paints ornamental decorations in illuminated manuscripts, books, and scrolls. She works in tandem with Rowan Incircles but also develops her own work. Never underestimate the drive of this woman.

Farrimond Cheeseman
Farrimond is a goofy, fun-loving man who supplies Nottingham with a grand assortment of cheeses. His cows always stay safe due to his superb bow & arrow skills which keep the wolves away. His favorite part of his job is inviting villagers over to his cottage to taste test a crazy new cheese recipe with him. Stop by his cheese shop to get a free sample served with a smile!

Warin is a quasi-stout but strong man who sports an almost viking look. He is known as a “happy go lucky” guy who loves to kick it back with his favorite foamy beer. He wears a goofy (tipsy) and content expression on his pudgy face filled with black facial hair. Inseparable from his skeggox as the town lumberjack, he balances his beer tankard on the ax’s tip to get some laughs out of people. He and his mentor Galien couldn't be more different, but they make a charming duo.

Aldis Money
Aldis Money is a slender/meager-looking guy who wears a knowing look on his face, as though he were about to pull off a prank. He stands with his shoulders a little hunched over his hands that always seem to be in the scheming position. He carries a light green frog on his shoulders and a brown money bag cross-body, which both help him complete the “stealth” look. Aldis Money is generally loved in the town as a bit of a jokester, though some have suspected that he may be the town pickpocket.

Fyrmyn is a rather rosy-cheeked, beefy-built man who functions as the town’s farrier. He always seems to have a horseshoe in one hand and a lump hammer in the other. Sibyl is very grateful with the services that he provides her farm, and they have become great friends. Fyrmyn is older, inching toward his mid 60s, but he continues to be a hard worker. You're guaranteed to hear a deep belly laugh and to get a bear hug from him if you run into each other in the village!

Toby O Knottoby
Toby is the town apothecary. As a merchant, he brings his stealth and wit into his business by negotiating with his customers over herbs, medicines, mushrooms, and even an assortments of poison! That being said if you have an aching stomach or have contracted the plague he is definitely the person to call.

Colinet Good
Colinet functions as the town crier, and he holds a rather bad reputation due to the fact that he relays disappointing news about taxes, laws, and deaths. He always stands with his heels together and his feet pointed outward at a 90 degree angle. He carries a large hand bell in one hand (to prepare the way for his announcement) and a floor length manuscript in the other. Colinet seems to always have a disapproving look on his clean-shaven face as he carries his plump frame around slowly. He only lightens up when speaking with government officials.

Anot Tyde
Anot is the most charming, smiley, and bright-eyed woman in town. She works as the town jeweler, making, repairing, and selling jewelry and clocks. This profession allows her to be well-off financially, so she gives generously to others. Drop by her shop to get a little something for your special someone!